His hands….. sepia toned and supple. Of another era.
Strong lines, refined and gracefully masculine....much like the jaw line. An artist’s hands. They craft with practiced ease, an art form in themselves. Classic. Beautiful. Enticing. Brooding. Bittersweet, a delicious low hum, as they create, inspired and focused. Strong. Poetic.
The merest flick or a smudge... working. Wanting... equal inspiration wandering skin. Caressing... mapping curves like color and charcoal and shading in.
Playing with light like a maestro. Watching those hands create ... that electric spark.... desire... intrigue...
Ineffable eroticism of his striking face, scrutinizing... a look up to check his work, the arch of a brow, piercing glance, weighing lines.... intent on mastering the form on the canvas .....with that piercing gaze and his beautiful hands.